Friday, January 31, 2020

The Myths of Marijuana Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Myths of Marijuana - Essay Example The purpose of the essay is to shed light on the mystified shell of Marijuana and reinvents its real essence which is absolutely harmful. Moreover, the essay would examine the conditions in which such mystification of Marijuana and its use takes place and reveal the channels and agencies through which the myths of Marijuana are propagated. It is an irony that both the proponents and opponents of marijuana are part of the great debate on the myths of marijuana. Curiously, each side accuses the other of creating myths about marijuana. However, the present essay does not attempt balance between the contesting perspectives on the myths of marijuana, rather, challenges the myths which are favoring marijuana and exposes not only the myths but also the way such myths came to existence. Office of National Drug Control Policy, in the document- 'Marijuana Myths and Facts: The Truth Behind 10 popular misconceptions', points out that 'Marijuana is the most widely used illicit drug in the United States' (2005, p.4). The crumbling fact is that Marijuana is the most popular narcotic drug among the majority of illicit drug users. There is a growing number of people in the United States who have at least once used Marijuana. ... Historically speaking, it is important to note that the youth started to become attracted into marijuana by the tumultuous 60s and 70s. The insecurities of modern life in general and the anti-establishment feelings in particular created a kind of social vacuum or a moral anomaly which tempted the people to cut their roots from traditional forms grievance addressable channels such as religious authorities, community organizations and family. On the other hand, the empty promises of a brave new world were thick in the air. The youth who were looking forward to get out of the rotten system found their easy solace in Marijuana along with Beatles and rock music. It all indicates that socio economic conditions play a vital role in the production, distributions and consumption of narcotic drugs in general and marijuana in particular as it has a carefully crafted cultural aura around it. However, the youth of 60s and 70s did not live much with their illusions. The reality was striking and naturally they came out of the grip of marijuana to perceive the reality as reality. In addition, the first time users were mostly above 19 and the potency of the available variety of marijuana was considerably less in 60s and 70s. And, the use of Marijuana was a time bound fashion than a concrete lifestyle. On the contrary, the globalized world in twenty first century is strikingly different in regards to marijuana and its marketing, propaganda, trade routes and use. The "weed" of the so called Woodstock era has paved way for new generation marijuana which is greatly stronger than the old ones. Most strikingly, the first use age is dramatically dropped into 17. In other

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