Friday, November 15, 2019

Bring Your Own Device System: Pros and Cons

Bring Your Own Device System: Pros and Cons Table of Contents (Jump to) Introduction Advantage of using BYOD Risks of using a BYOD System How to build a Secure BYOD policy 1. Carry out a survey 2. How does employees use their device on the cooperate network Suggested BYOD Policy Access Control/ Acceptable Use Roles and responsibilities Devices and Support Security Termination of employment ISO standards to follow Benefits of using ISO 27002 Reference list Bibliography Introduction Calathumpian Group is facing a major information integrity issue, the CEO is concern about the way cooperate information are treated. The company is allows BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) system which means that employees can use their personal laptops , smartphones or tablets on the workplace for their daily workload and to connect to the corporate network ( 2015). Advantage of using BYOD Maximise profit by reducing personnel hardware cost The purpose of all organisation is to maximise profit while minimising expenses, BYOD allows minimum-zero technology cost since there is no purchase cost for employees working device and maintenance cost for the devices. Improve employees performance BYOD improves employee’s performance and efficiency at work as by allowing them to use their personal devices with which they use also for recreational or home purpose, they developed automatism that increase their productivity. Tasks and operations are completed faster (Workforce 2014). Reduce hardware alienation BYOD helps to keep employees comfortable in their working environment, since they know how to operate with their work devices. For example: for a new employee, it’s better to work with a device he/she knows than cooperate devices as they will have to be trained. Risks of using a BYOD System Software incompatibility Employees working on different versions of OS or software tools can cause information being not accessible or shared. This is not efficient and restrict data access. Distractions Employees usually have their favourite apps, games or series present on their laptops or smartphones, these entertainment may distract employees during their working hours thus reducing their performance. For example: employees checking their Facebook account every 20 minutes. Security Security is the major problem with BYOD systems, as it puts all your cooperate data in risk. As all employees will certainly use their devices outside the workplace, if they are infected by a virus or targeted by a hacker and connect to the cooperate network, the whole network will be affected and important data may be corrupted, stolen or deleted. How to build a Secure BYOD policy 1. Carry out a survey I order to build an effective BYOD policy, we have to analysis what type of devices are being used on the cooperate network. A survey done by the Forrester’s Forrsights Workforce Employee shows that smartphones and tablets are among the most used device on the workplace, the laptop being the most used device, as illustrated on the image 1, (InfoSec Institute 2013). 2. How does employees use their device on the cooperate network We have to analyse what processes are done by employees on the network, this will enables the BYOD policy to match the business operations. For example: Are they using skype to connect foreign suppliers, what software applications are being used, what mobile application is using the WIFI system to operate. This analysis will help to developed acceptance criteria and limitations for the BYOD policy. Suggested BYOD Policy In order to solve the situation Calathumpian Group is facing we will developed a BYOD Policy that can be implemented in the organisation’s system. The report will contain policy about acceptance use, User responsibilities, Cooperate IT Responsibilities, Devices and Support, Privacy Policy and Security Policy, we will keep the report simple and easy to understand in order to make the implementation of the Policy system better. Calathumpian’s employees must agree to the following policies in order to connect their devices to the cooperate network. If they fail to abide to the policies the company reserves the right to disconnect them to the network and press further charges. These policies are implemented for the well-running of the organisation by enforcing security and protect cooperate data. The template of Megan Berry (2015) will be used to develop the BYOD policy, it is simple and very comprehensive template ( 2015). Access Control/ Acceptable Use Activities that are productive to the business are considered as acceptable. Certain websites will be blocked on the network for the employees during working hours, only before and after the working hours that these websites will be accessible. This will encourage employees to be on time. Such websites relates to Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google +, etc†¦) Video Games related website Betting website Pornographic Torrents Streaming websites The network will only allow a limited amount of software tool to use internet or allowed connection to the network, this will decrease the risks of propagating viruses on other connected devices. Mobile apps that are allowed on the network are : emails , messaging apps (such as WhatsApp , Viber , Messaging , Skype) , system updates Mobile apps that are blocked includes : iTunes , Google Play , Apps Store , Mobile Games and Social networking apps Roles and responsibilities Dividing responsibilities in the company helps to maintain a certain hierarchy and determine how should do what and when. In order to solve the problem Calathumpian Group is facing, roles and responsibilities must be implemented so that the employees knows what are expected from them. In this case a structured IT department is needed. IT Security Manager Since the CEO of the Group might not be comfortable with IT department due to his age, it is better to choose some who is qualified for this job. The IT Security manager will be in charge for the creation and maintenance of the BYOD policy. This involves the risk management, security management and enforcing the BYOD policy. Human resource manager The HR manager will be responsible for the comprehension of the BYOD policy inside the company. His job is to ensure that the employees understand their commitment. IT department This department will provide help for the employees regarding the BYOD policy. For example: when an employee terminate his contract with the company, the IT department is responsible for the deletion of sensible information regarding the company. They are also responsible for the implementation of hardware policies such as: block websites and some mobile application, antivirus configuration (Auto scan on power on), maintenance of the network and other processes. All employees All employees must abide to the set of rules and regulations present in the BYOD policy, not respecting it will cause sanctions from the organisation as they are putting the company’s information at risks. Devices and Support Mobile operating system such as IPhone (4, 4S, 5, 6), Android devices (KitKat and Lollipop), Blackberry and Windows phone are allowed only. Android tablets and IPad are allowed The IT department is not responsible for any device software or hardware failure The IT department has the right to take the mac address of every device connected to the network, for security purpose. The mac address will help the IT department to apply certain restriction to specific employees Security To prevent unauthorised access to devices, employees must use strong passwords to protect their devices. A strong passwords is categories as Having at least 8 characters Combination of lower and upper case letter Must include at least two digits Cannot contain symbols Employees must change their passwords every 60 weeks Every time an employee leave his work place, he/she must automatically lock his/her device to prevent unauthorised access. Employees must encrypt their information such as emails , documents and other files Employee must hand over their devices to the IT department in order to connect to the network Termination of employment In order to prevent cooperate information to be accessible when an employee leaves the organisation for a particular reason, the later must present the device used on the network for inspection. The IT department will be responsible for that ( 2015), they will delete all company related data on the device. ISO standards to follow â€Å"A standard is a document that provides requirements, specifications, guidelines or characteristics that can be used consistently to ensure that materials, products, processes and services are fit for their purpose. We published over 19500 International Standards that can be purchased from the ISO store or from our members Tools and techniques â€Å"( 2015) In this case the ISO standard that best suit the problem of Calathumpian Group is the ISO/IEC 27002, which focus on information security management. This standards helps to maintain information such as employee details, cooperate financial report or other cooperate related information. Benefits of using ISO 27002 Risk management Find potential risk Helps to eliminate them Security policies Information security management Resource management HR security Physical security Communications management Access control Incident response management ( 2015) Tools and Techniques Incident Response Reference list InfoSec Institute,. 2013. Importance Of A BYOD Policy For Companies Infosec Institute.,. 2015. BYOD Policy Template.,. 2015. What Is ISO 27001? Definition From Whatis.Com.,. 2015. Electronic Devices: Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy.,. 2015. What Is Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)? Webopedia. Workforce, The. 2014. The Pros And Cons Of Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) For A Mobile Field Workforce MSI Data. MSI Data. Bibliography 1 | Page Sensoneural Hearing Loss: Features of Patients Sensoneural Hearing Loss: Features of Patients Permanent unilateral and bilateral assymetrical sensorineural hearing loss: Clinical, vestibular, audiological and radiological evaluation. Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical, vestibular, audiological and radiological features of patients with permanent unilateral and assymetrical sensoneural hearing loss (SNHL). Material and methods: Twenty eight patients with either permanent unilateral and asymmetrical bilateral SNHL,diagonosed by means of pure tone audiometry(PTA) have been submitted to clinical,vestibular, audiological and radiological evaluation. Results: Total twenty eight patients with male :female ratio of 2.11 were analysed. 22 (78.57%)patients had unilateral and 6(21.43%)patients had bilateral asymmetrical SNHL.Right :left ratio in cases of unilateral SNHLwas 0.83:1. Both tinnitus and vertigo was present in 12(42.95%)patients and absent in 10 (35.8%)patients.On otoscopy tympanic membrane was intact in all cases.PTA showed profound loss in majority of cases.Tone decay was done in11 patients and was normal in all cases.Cold calorie was done in 27 patients and was absent in 7(25.9%)patients ,hypoactive in 8(29.6%)patients.MRI study was done in 9 patients.Out of 9,7 were normal and rest two showed positive findings. Conclusion: Proper clinical, vestibular and audiological work up is important before radiological investigation is sought to increase diagonostic yield and cost effectiveness in unilateral, bilateral (asymmetrical)SNHL. INTRODUCTION Although a commonly encountered diagnosis by otolaryngolist, unilateral SNHL represents a difficult clinical entity for the specialist. Whereas the diagnosis is easily obtained by PTA, diagonosis of cause and treatment represents the complexity of this clinical situation. Further complicating work up is the evergrowing cost for laboratory and radiological studies(1).Reiss M (1994) carried out study for differential diagnosis of unilateral hearing loss(2).Hendrix RA(1990) carried out study on asymmetrical sensoneural hearing loss.(3).Asymetrical hearing loss is the difference of more than 10 db averaged over the frequencies 0.5,1,2 and 4Khz or 20 db or more at any single frequency(4).A recent study has suggested a rule 3000 where in asymmetry of 15 db or more at 3000Hz require a MRI. If less than 15 db, a biannual audiometric follow –up is sufficient(13).In present study, we present clinical, vestibular ,audiological and radiological features of patients with either permanent u nilateral SNHL or asymmetrical hearing loss. MATERIAL AND METHODS This prospective study was conducted in the department of Otorhinolaryngology,government medical college,Srinagar,Kashmir on 28 patients, consisting both pediatric and adult patients from December 2013 to May 2014. After taking history about hearing loss and associated symptoms, otoscopy and PTA, patients were subjected to audiological and vestibular evaluation. Radiological investigation(MRI) was done in selected group of patients because of financial and other reasons. Sex distribution, laterality, audiological, vestibular and radiological findings are presented in tables1-6. RESULTS A total of 28 patients were included in present study. Out of 28 patients,19 were males and 9 were females with male to female ratio of 2.11.(table 1).Involvement of left ear was more common than right and 6 patients (21.42%) had bilateral asymmetrical loss(table2).Vertigo and tinnitus was associated symptoms in 12 patients(42.95) and 10patients(35.8%) presented with hearing without associated symptoms(table3).Tone decay test was normal in all tested patients.(table4).Cold calorie test was hypo- active in 8 patients(29.6%) and absent in 7 patients(25.9%)(table5).Radiological findings were normal in 7 out of 9 patients(table6). DISSCUSSION We describe 28 patients of unilateral and asymmetrical SNHL which were clinically ,audiologically and radiologically evaluated. Male preponderance was observed in the present study which is consistent to other study.(5). In studies by Cadoni G etal(2005) and Stefano Berrettini(2013), both have female preponderance which is in contrast to present study(6,7). In present study,left ear was more affected as compared to right which is in consistant to study done by Stefano Berrettini(2013).(7). In our study tinnitus is present in 14 patients(50.09%) and vertigo is present in 16 patients(59.3%). Study done by Stefano Berrettini showed tinnitus was present in 87% and vertigo in 44% cases(7). In present study, Tone decay test(TDT) was done in 11 patients.TDT was not done inpatients having profound SNHL. In all patients in which TDT was done ,results were normal. P.L.Bhatia (1969) etal in his study used TDT for diagonosis of retro cochlear pathology(8). It helps in diagonosing neural lesions quite accurately(9). In our study vestibular function test (cold calorie test) was done in all patients except one.CCT was absent(no response) in 7 patients(25.9%) and hypoactive in 8 patients(29.6%).Stafano Berrettini etal used calorie stimulation test in his study(7). Although the findings of decreased vestibular function on calorie testing in ipsilateral side to a SNHL historically has been usefull in suggesting the diagonosis of vestibular schwannoma. But at present ,it is not sensitive enough tobe helpful diagonostically for vestibular schwannoma because a small inferior vestibular nerve schwannoma might not cause an abnormal calorie response(10).Hypoactivity of the affected side is seen in meineres disease(11). In present study,patients having hypoactive calorie test or absent calorie test or in whom tone decay test could not be done due to profound hearing loss were subjected to radiological investigation(MRI).One patient on MRI showed micro haemorrhages in left peritrigonal area and other patient on MRI showed vestibular schwannoma.MRI is now the recommended investigation for diagonosis of retrocochlear pathology.(2,12).MRI scanning with Gagolinium will identify virtually all tumours and was considered to be gold standard(14).Recently T2-weighted fast spin echo MRI has been found to be sensitive and less expensive than gadolinium enhanced standard MRI(15). CONCLUSION Clinical ,audiological and vestibular testing is important in diagonostic workup of unilateral and asymmetric hearing before radiological investigation is done to decrease economic burden and to increase diagonostic yield from definite radiological investigations. 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Otolaryngol Head neck surgery 1996:114(1):71-76 Table1: Sex distribution of patients (n=28) Table 2: Laterality of involved ear of patients (n=28) Table 3: Associated symptoms with hearing loss (n=28) Table 4: Tone decay test of patients (n=11) Table 5: Cold Calorie test of patients (n=27) Table 6: Radiological (MRI) findings of patients (n=9)

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