Thursday, November 21, 2019

Torture in Interrogation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Torture in Interrogation - Essay Example This information is even used to guard against enemy tactics and propose counter measures for our own forces. The interrogation depends mainly on torture techniques. Which are against the human rights and this violation is made in the name of national security. There is a thin line between torturing and national security priorities. Both are important and it is crucial to remain in limits while interrogating any suspects, whether terrorists or local criminals. The issue came into spotlight with the release of torture pictures and videos of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp (Leigh et al. 1). Prisoners were kept in a miserable condition and suicide attempts were a routine. The detention facility was accused of extreme torturing and interrogation. There have been deaths in the prison and released detainees gave in detail account of torturing activities carried out by the US. These activities were clearly a human rights violation and more importantly violated the Geneva Convention for th e interrogation and captivity of prisoners of war. The paper will look into the matter and discuss the use of torture during interrogation. The Geneva Convention has set aside rules and principles for conduct with prisoners or war. Their captivity and the use of torture have all been explained in detail in the convention. The convention article rules against torture in interrogation by stating that no physical or mental torture can be used for interrogation of prisoners. Prisoners must also be given rights to medical facility, hygiene, food, clothing and quarters (Tomasevski 8). They must also be allowed for their religious practices and appropriate physical activity must also be planned. In simple, the laws lay basis for basic human rights. Torturing during interrogation is not allowed and simply a violation of the convention and basic human rights. To violate these standards is simply a violation against humanity. The US administrations have taken stance to legalize torturing tech niques and narrowly defined the parameters of interrogation. Legislation could not be passed even though with ninety to nine approval rates by senate, after being vetoed by President Bush at the time (Sullivan 1). Terrorists are considered as monsters and mass murderers and are not worthy of humane treatment. The debate was highlighted in 2005 by McCain. He presented exceptional scenarios like ticking time bomb and slow fuse cases (Krauthammer 2). The urgency of these exceptional cases required torture. In simple even his policy required use of torture. Torturing is against the very fundamentals of US and is the opposite of freedom. Prisoners are tortured and interrogated on the basis of National Security priorities. The logic that torturing is necessary to extract information is used as a stance against the issue. Though, torturing is a quick way to extract information, but it is something against humanity and also the Geneva Convention. There can be no basis as to torture a human being. It is to take into consideration that most prisoners do not possess valuable or critical information and are tortured without any solid base. This further complicates the issue and raises question of using torture techniques. Many of the prisoners are tortured to the breaking point where they develop psychological or physical disorders. This fact can be taken into account by the figures at Guantanamo Bay. Similarly, at Abu Ghraib Prison almost ninety percent of prisoners were not guilty and released after interrogation and torture (Sullivan 2). They did not possess any critical information. Terrorists are not termed as prisoners of war as per the US stance, but torture in any form on a human being is a violation of basic human rights and simply a crime against humanity.

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