Monday, December 30, 2019

Nursing the older adult Free Essay Example, 2000 words

That said, it is now clear that whatever variations appear during old age are normal, and unavoidable. The best thing is to learn how to deal with them positively, and not traumatize the aged in society (Levy, Slade, Kunkel & Kasl, 2002,). One, the body undergoes biological changes such as the skin becoming wrinkled, less elastic, it dries up more, and it gradually thins. Their hair turns grey, and in the case of men, it starts falling off. Generally, old people exhibit low levels of energy, a declining sense of sight and sound, and increasing food sensitivity (Whitbourne, 2002). The reason for this is just that the muscles are shrinking and their sensory organs are no longer sufficiently supplemented when cells die. Second, old people are categorized as having a lower immunity, and as such are prone to numerous old age ailments. This can be supported by the Federal Administration on Aging’s (2012) statistics which state that it is common to have most people above sixty-five experiencing constant health issues. Finally, sex life is also affected as it slows down and fades with time, corresponding to the loss of gender identities. On the psychological aspect; during the post-retirement period, old people might u ndergo either positive or negative transformations. We will write a custom essay sample on Nursing the older adult or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now This, as the Gerontological Society of America (2012) reveals is dependent on the kind of psychological mentalities they have been prepared for. For instance, a person who has sufficient support to continue with a comfortable life after retirement has peace of mind and less worry. It is during this period that one feels the pinch of having failed to achieve some goals, loneliness may set in if the other partner died, and just several other issues that are irreversible, but come haunting one’s memory in their end times (Wermel, & Gelbaum, 1945). Again, a person’s past life may impact their perception of their [short] future, such as regretting or appraising theirs or their children’s lives. A larger percentage of the aging population is trapped in a world of withdrawal and feelings of worthlessness if their surroundings define them as that. However, as OECD (2011) suggests, the end life stage should not be overly negative, but ca n be used in learning new hobbies, engaging in new recreational practices, exploring life deeper, or most importantly establish new social roles or routines. An example is that one might show a renewed interest in reading the bible early in the mornings or late evenings which becomes a habit.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Informative Speech Outline Genetically Modified Organisms

Sophia Basaldua 05 October, 2016 Informative Speech Outline: Genetically Modified Organisms Introduction I. Open with impact: A. 1,996 pounds, or nearly one ton. This is an estimate of how much — by weight — the average American eats over the course of one year. II. Thesis Statement: In fact, the food industry states that 75-80 percent of foods contain genetically modified ingredients, and I am here today to give you information about them. III. Audience Connection: A. In simplest terms, we all consume food. Therefore, we are all most likely also consuming Genetically Modified Organisms or GMOs, whether we are aware of it or not. Reliability to audience: After extensive research from numerous reliable sources, I have gathered accurate information on GMOs and how they affect you, consumers as a whole, and even food businesses and the environment. IV. Preview of Main Points: (at least three main things you plan to discuss) A. First, we are going to take a bite into what GMO’s are and why then are used B. Then, we will chew through the cons of GMO’s and C. Lastly, swallow some facts on a newly passed bill regarding GMOs Body I. Main point: Now, lets talk about what exactly Genetically Modified Organisms are and why we use them in our world today. A. Genetically modified organisms are those whose genetic makeup has been altered â€Å"in a way that does not occur spontaneously.† GMOs are also referred to as GM foods. 1. (Dizon, Costa, Rock, Harris,Husk, Mei, Institute of foodShow MoreRelatedInformative Speech : Genetically Modified Foods986 Words   |  4 PagesKeyanna Ralph Professor Enslen SPC 1017 12 November 2015 Informative Speech Outline TOPIC: Genetically Modified Foods General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: At the end of my presentation, the audience will be informed on what genetically modified foods are, where they are found, and some of the controversial advantages, and disadvantages that are associated with them. Introduction Attention Getter and relate to audience: Before you eat a meal or snack do you ever actually think aboutRead MoreSources of Ethics20199 Words   |  81 Pagesand needed an ethical decision; he begged God for guidance: Till, when they reached the Valley of the Ants, an ant exclaimed: O ants! Enter your dwellings lest Solomon and his armies crush you, unperceiving. And [Solomon] smiled, laughing at her speech, and said: My Lord, arouse me to be thankful for Thy favor wherewith Thou hast favored me and my parents, and to do good that shall be pleasing unto Thee, and include me among [the number of] Thy righteous slaves (Surah 27:18-19). Ethics in Islam

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Millennium Development Goals Free Essays

In this twenty first century, one of the most widely discussed topics throughout the world is Millennium Development Goals (MDG). In September 2000, meeting at the United Nations Millennium Summit, the world leaders agreed to a remarkable document, the Millennium Declaration. The Declaration demanded that the world set its sights higher and aim for eight specific goals, most of which were to be achieved by 2015. We will write a custom essay sample on Millennium Development Goals or any similar topic only for you Order Now What subsequently came to be known as the MDGs are – 1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. 2. Achieve universal primary education. 3. Promote gender equality and empower woman. 4. Reduce child mortality. 5. Improve maternal health. 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases. 7. Ensure environmental sustainability. 8. Develop a global partnership for development. MDG and Bangladesh: Bangladesh is signatory of the MDGs and it has made noteworthy progress in the attainment of MDGs. Notwithstanding the relatively slow income growth and modest pace of income poverty reduction, Bangladesh’s achievements in the broad area of human development were faster and in some respects remarkable. Although the level of social deprivations is still high, the pace of improvements has been encouraging. We are happy that our efforts in reducing child mortality in Bangladesh have been duly acknowledged by the United Nations at 65th General Assembly session 20-22 September 2010. The world body has presented Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and through her the people of Bangladesh This recognition of Bangladesh’s sincere efforts in trying to reach the MDGs set for 2015, while clearly encouraging for us, is also a reminder for us of what we must yet to do in order to tackle the remaining sense of the eight MDGs. Our success in reducing child mortality must now be followed by proactive efforts towards achieving the seven other MDG targets. As the Prime Minister pointed out in New York, Bangladesh will need $ 22. 1 billion if it has to attain all the MDGs. Status of MDGs in Bangladesh: Goal-1: Bangladesh is well on track to achieving goal-1 with poverty coming down to 40% in 2005. The poverty gap ratio has also decreased dramatically to 9. 0. Goal-2: While a significant 87% has been achieved in terms of primary school enrollment,dropout rates remain high therefore primary school completion rate low. Goal-3: Bangladesh has achieved gender parity in primary and secondary education together with being on track with respect to percentage of women employed in agriculture sector. Goal-4: The country is on track with regard to achieving this goal. Significant strides have been made and if the trend sustains, the country will meet the 2015 target well ahead of schedule. Goal-5: The maternal mortality ratio is on track but the percentage of skilled birth attendants is low. Goal-6:Bangladesh has made some progress in the spread of malaria and other diseases. Goal-7: While significant progress has been made in terms of access to safe drinking water and sanitary latrines in urban areas, the same remains a challenge in rural areas. Also maintaining wet-lands and bio-diversity is still a challenge. Goal-8: Penetration of telephone lines and internet, particularly cell-phone usage, has increased to a great extent but youth employment rate is still low. Overall, goal-3 has been already achieved. There is more than 50% progress in attaining goal-2. In case of other goals, attainment is possible if necessary changes are made in policy and strategies. Conclusion: Bangladesh had adverse initial conditions at the start of its journey three decades ago. With one of the most vulnerable economies of the world characterized by extremely high population density, low resource base, high incidence of natural disasters and extremely adverse initial circumstances associated with the inheritance of a war-ravaged economy, the implications for long-term savings, investments and growth were deemed extremely bleak. Bangladesh which was once termed the test case of development may indeed represent a learning site for keeping the hopes alive for other equally less fortunate post-colonial societies with adverse initial conditions. How to cite Millennium Development Goals, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Reflective Essay for Motivational and Qualities- myassignmenthelp

Question: Write about theReflective Essayfor Motivational and Personal Qualities. Answer: Personal Reflection Maintaining the positive attribute helps each one of us to develop our personal and professional efficiency. I personally believe that in order to develop my professional skills in the field of account management, I need to be cautious about the positive behavior towards my responsibilities. I am pursuing my career as a Business Administration Diploma student in Chiu School of Business. The interest towards the financial matter has been driving me towards acquiring more motivational traits to perform my responsibilities in this field. I am much focused towards the maintenance of the professionalism inside and outside of the classroom. While performing my responsibilities inside the classroom, I stay responsive during my communication with the lecturer. I try to keep my concentration on the positive implication regarding the lectures. On the other hand, I maintain the appreciable professionalism outside the classroom by helping my family in the business. I try to implement my educatio nal skill in managing the business functionalities. Moreover, I am quite responsible towards implementing my managerial skills for undertaking any strategic decisions at my workplace. I am even willing to share my educational knowledge at the tutorial session to develop the clear understanding of my student. Reflecting the positive nature creates the motivational scenario around me that is quite impactful for developing the personal skills. I offer my helps to my friends as per my capabilities and in time of need. It is quite observable that positive thinking influences the people to gain proper motivation that eventually leads towards success (Csikszentmihalyi Wong, 2014). I am quite an ambitious person who is much focused about certain goals. I am quite aware that I need to be much motivated and positive to take the step ahead towards my destination. I aspire to become a Certified Professional Accountant for involving myself into the family business and achieve success. I am working hard and keeping myself more focused towards my study to improve my professional attribute. I believe this determination would help me in improving my family business. In order to ensure growth towards my goals, it is essential for me to concentrate on the self-improvement purpose. I take the suggestions and feedback from others to identify the flaws within me and accordingly try to improve self-consciousness to become more competent. This peer tutoring program is quite helpful for me to keep track of my learning progress report. Measuring and monitoring the report helps me identifying the areas of improvement. I try to keep the positive focus to win over the obstacles that I may face during my journey. Keeping the mental stableness is essential in time of situational obligations. Hence, I prefer to select the positive way of driving myself towards acquiring the determined goals. Even I suggest others to remain positive if we really need to achieve something fruitful in life. I believe this positive and motivational characteristic would help me in developing the successful future ahead. References and Bibliography Cottrell, S. (2015).Skills for success: Personal development and employability. Palgrave Macmillan. Csikszentmihalyi, M., Wong, M. M. H. (2014). Motivation and academic achievement: The effects of personality traits and the quality of experience. InApplications of flow in human development and education(pp. 437-465). Springer Netherlands. Seligman, M. E., Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2014). Positive psychology: An introduction. InFlow and the foundations of positive psychology(pp. 279-298). Springer Netherlands. Staub, E. (2013).Positive social behavior and morality: Social and personal influences. Elsevier.