Monday, December 30, 2019

Nursing the older adult Free Essay Example, 2000 words

That said, it is now clear that whatever variations appear during old age are normal, and unavoidable. The best thing is to learn how to deal with them positively, and not traumatize the aged in society (Levy, Slade, Kunkel & Kasl, 2002,). One, the body undergoes biological changes such as the skin becoming wrinkled, less elastic, it dries up more, and it gradually thins. Their hair turns grey, and in the case of men, it starts falling off. Generally, old people exhibit low levels of energy, a declining sense of sight and sound, and increasing food sensitivity (Whitbourne, 2002). The reason for this is just that the muscles are shrinking and their sensory organs are no longer sufficiently supplemented when cells die. Second, old people are categorized as having a lower immunity, and as such are prone to numerous old age ailments. This can be supported by the Federal Administration on Aging’s (2012) statistics which state that it is common to have most people above sixty-five experiencing constant health issues. Finally, sex life is also affected as it slows down and fades with time, corresponding to the loss of gender identities. On the psychological aspect; during the post-retirement period, old people might u ndergo either positive or negative transformations. We will write a custom essay sample on Nursing the older adult or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now This, as the Gerontological Society of America (2012) reveals is dependent on the kind of psychological mentalities they have been prepared for. For instance, a person who has sufficient support to continue with a comfortable life after retirement has peace of mind and less worry. It is during this period that one feels the pinch of having failed to achieve some goals, loneliness may set in if the other partner died, and just several other issues that are irreversible, but come haunting one’s memory in their end times (Wermel, & Gelbaum, 1945). Again, a person’s past life may impact their perception of their [short] future, such as regretting or appraising theirs or their children’s lives. A larger percentage of the aging population is trapped in a world of withdrawal and feelings of worthlessness if their surroundings define them as that. However, as OECD (2011) suggests, the end life stage should not be overly negative, but ca n be used in learning new hobbies, engaging in new recreational practices, exploring life deeper, or most importantly establish new social roles or routines. An example is that one might show a renewed interest in reading the bible early in the mornings or late evenings which becomes a habit.

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