Thursday, December 5, 2019

Reflective Essay for Motivational and Qualities- myassignmenthelp

Question: Write about theReflective Essayfor Motivational and Personal Qualities. Answer: Personal Reflection Maintaining the positive attribute helps each one of us to develop our personal and professional efficiency. I personally believe that in order to develop my professional skills in the field of account management, I need to be cautious about the positive behavior towards my responsibilities. I am pursuing my career as a Business Administration Diploma student in Chiu School of Business. The interest towards the financial matter has been driving me towards acquiring more motivational traits to perform my responsibilities in this field. I am much focused towards the maintenance of the professionalism inside and outside of the classroom. While performing my responsibilities inside the classroom, I stay responsive during my communication with the lecturer. I try to keep my concentration on the positive implication regarding the lectures. On the other hand, I maintain the appreciable professionalism outside the classroom by helping my family in the business. I try to implement my educatio nal skill in managing the business functionalities. Moreover, I am quite responsible towards implementing my managerial skills for undertaking any strategic decisions at my workplace. I am even willing to share my educational knowledge at the tutorial session to develop the clear understanding of my student. Reflecting the positive nature creates the motivational scenario around me that is quite impactful for developing the personal skills. I offer my helps to my friends as per my capabilities and in time of need. It is quite observable that positive thinking influences the people to gain proper motivation that eventually leads towards success (Csikszentmihalyi Wong, 2014). I am quite an ambitious person who is much focused about certain goals. I am quite aware that I need to be much motivated and positive to take the step ahead towards my destination. I aspire to become a Certified Professional Accountant for involving myself into the family business and achieve success. I am working hard and keeping myself more focused towards my study to improve my professional attribute. I believe this determination would help me in improving my family business. In order to ensure growth towards my goals, it is essential for me to concentrate on the self-improvement purpose. I take the suggestions and feedback from others to identify the flaws within me and accordingly try to improve self-consciousness to become more competent. This peer tutoring program is quite helpful for me to keep track of my learning progress report. Measuring and monitoring the report helps me identifying the areas of improvement. I try to keep the positive focus to win over the obstacles that I may face during my journey. Keeping the mental stableness is essential in time of situational obligations. Hence, I prefer to select the positive way of driving myself towards acquiring the determined goals. Even I suggest others to remain positive if we really need to achieve something fruitful in life. I believe this positive and motivational characteristic would help me in developing the successful future ahead. References and Bibliography Cottrell, S. (2015).Skills for success: Personal development and employability. Palgrave Macmillan. Csikszentmihalyi, M., Wong, M. M. H. (2014). Motivation and academic achievement: The effects of personality traits and the quality of experience. InApplications of flow in human development and education(pp. 437-465). Springer Netherlands. Seligman, M. E., Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2014). Positive psychology: An introduction. InFlow and the foundations of positive psychology(pp. 279-298). Springer Netherlands. Staub, E. (2013).Positive social behavior and morality: Social and personal influences. Elsevier.

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